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Grant Report

Feedback from grantees on the results of a grant helps us evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our grantmaking and ensure accountability. A narrative report and project budget actuals must be submitted at the end of the grant period (the specific due date is included in the grant award letter). Include the following, as applicable:

  • Goals and objectives from the Proposal and describe your progress in reaching them. If any goals and objectives were not met, provide an explanation.
  • Challenges encountered during the project, lessons learned, and any adjustments made to the original project plans.
  • Project evaluation results.
  • Project budget actuals listing revenue and expenses for the entire project (not just the portion funded by the Goldman Fund) during the grant period, include sources of support secured for the project.
  • Significant organizational changes since the original grant request was submitted (e.g., mission, changes in leadership, Board composition, staffing, address, tax status, fiscal sponsor).



Submit a Grant Report through the online Grantee Portal. Visit the account sign-in page to log into your account and click the Requirements tab to access the Reports Form.

Contact us if you have any questions.

  • Mission Science Workshop
    Mission Science Workshop
  • Head Count Inc
    Head Count Inc
  • Bay Area Jewish Camp Collective
    Bay Area Jewish Camp Collective
  • Moishe House
    Moishe House