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If an applicant’s Letter of Inquiry moves to the next stage, the organization will be invited via email to submit a Proposal.

Organization Background: A concise summary of the organization’s mission and purpose.

Project Information:

  • Problem statement
  • Project description (include goals, activities, and timeline)
  • Evaluation (how you will measure success)
  • Project’s relevance to the organization, community, sector, and/or field

References: List three to five references who are familiar with the organization’s work and the project (e.g., partners or peer organizations, participants, policymakers, public agency representatives, funders, academics, or experts in the field). Do not include references who are directly affiliated with the organization (e.g., Board members, paid consultants). Include for each:

  • Name, title, affiliation, phone number, and email address

Please attach the following information:

Project Budget:  An itemized project budget (not just the portion for which funding is requested from the Goldman Fund). Excel only; PDFs cannot be uploaded. Sample Project Budget

  • Include dates covered, committed and anticipated revenue, and expenses.
  • Separate salaries from benefits.

Project Funding: A list of committed and pending grants for the project. Excel only; PDFs cannot be uploaded. Sample Project Funding

  • Include foundation name and amount granted (for multi-year grants, indicate the time span for the grant and the amount awarded for each year).
  • List anonymous donors as follows: Name of foundation/individual donor (Anonymous). All information will be kept confidential within the Goldman Fund.

Organization Annual Budget: Excel only; PDFs cannot be uploaded.

  • Include fiscal year dates, revenue, and expenses.

Staff and Salary Information: Number of full-time equivalent staff, and highest, lowest, mean, and median salaries. Indicate the title associated with the highest salary.

**Please follow:  Sample Staff and Salary Information

Board of Directors: A list of current Board members and officers. Please include name, professional or related affiliation, title, and city and state of residence.  Sample Board List

Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position: The most recent month-end balance sheet. Excel only; PDFs cannot be uploaded.

Profit and Loss Statement/Statement of Activities: A profit and loss statement with a date that corresponds to the balance sheet submitted.

Audited Financial Statement: The most recent audited financial statement if available.

Supporting Documents (if applicable): Other materials directly relevant to the project, such as media coverage, photos, architectural renderings, reports, or evaluations.

Requests for Capital Campaign Funding: To be eligible for capital campaign support, an organization must have personal financial contributions to the capital campaign from 100% of its Board of Directors. Attach a list of all Board contributions to the campaign that includes each Board member’s name and contribution amount and grand total. List anonymous donors as follows: Name of individual donor (Anonymous). All information will be kept confidential within the Goldman Fund. Please also indicate the number of years over which campaign grants are payable.

  • Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
    Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
  • Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action
    Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action
  • Jewish Community Relations Council
    Jewish Community Relations Council
  • WildCare