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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply online?
For instructions on how to apply online, see the Grant Seekers section of our website.

What geographic areas does the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund support?
The Goldman Fund’s geographic focus varies by program area. See Interests & Priorities for specific information.

I believe my request fits your funding guidelines, but the eligibility questionnaire will not allow me to proceed. Is the request ineligible?
Yes. The eligibility questionnaire covers all of the basic information the Goldman Fund needs to determine if a request fits our guidelines. This includes the type of support requested and programmatic areas. If you are unsure whether you are eligible within our guidelines, please contact us.

Are there any application deadlines?
No. Grant requests are accepted on an ongoing basis. In fairness to other organizations, each organization may submit only one request per year for consideration.

How often and when does the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund Board consider grant requests?
The Goldman Fund Board considers grant requests four times per year – typically once each quarter.

What grant amount should my organization request from the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund?
Grant amounts depend on many factors, including the size and scope of the project; the organization’s budget and capacity; other sources of support for the project; and, for capital requests, the commitment of the organization’s Board to the project. Please consider your organization’s budget, the project’s budget, and other funding resources when requesting a grant. All requests for support must specify the amount of funding requested from the Goldman Fund. The Goldman Fund rarely provides support for 100% of a project’s budget.

Our organization does not have tax-exempt status. Can we still apply?
Organizations that do not have tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code must use a fiscal sponsor with 501(c)(3) status in order to apply.

How long does it take for a decision on a grant request?
We strive to respond in a timely manner to each request. Please contact us if you have questions about the timing of your request.

Can we apply for funding while our organization has an active grant?
No, organizations cannot apply for funding while they have an active grant.

Can we reapply for funding for the same project?
Yes. The Goldman Fund will consider requests for renewed support for a project after the current grant period has been completed.

Can we reapply for funding if a request was denied previously?
Organizations may reapply for funding one year after the previous grant request was submitted.

If I am in the middle of completing my application, can I save it and continue working on it later?
Yes. You may save your work by clicking the “Save & Return to My Account” button located at the bottom of each page of the application. When you decide to return to an application, click the Grantee Portal Login on the top right hand corner of our website and sign in to your account to view your saved applications.

I filled out all required fields and added my attachments. What happens after I click the “Review Before Submitting” button?
Clicking this button does not submit a final version of your application. You will have the opportunity to review your application one more time. When you are satisfied, click the “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the screen to send us your application.

I submitted my application, but there’s a mistake in it. Should I submit another one?
No. If you discover a mistake after the application has been submitted, contact us for assistance.

The person who set up my organization’s online account no longer works here. Should I create a new account?
If you need to transfer your account to a new email address, please contact us for assistance.

How do I submit a grant report?
For instructions on how to submit a grant report, please see the Reporting Requirements section of our website.


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