Grants Database
Showing 299 -323 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
Organization Sort | Grant Amount Sort | Program Area SortFilter | Type of Support SortFilter | Location Sort | Year SortFilter |
Glide Foundation | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
The Food and Meals Program. | |||||
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy | Grant Amount$25,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Gift in memory of Richard N. Goldman. | |||||
Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Hamilton Family Center | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
La Casa de las Madres | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Martin de Porres House of Hospitality | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Meals on Wheels of San Francisco, Inc. | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
My New Red Shoes | Grant Amount$5,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationBurlingame, CA | Year2010 |
Oakland Museum/Museum of California Foundation | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationOakland, CA | Year2010 |
Oakland Museum/Museum of California Foundation | Grant Amount$200,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportCapital Support | LocationOakland, CA | Year2010 |
To renovate, expand, and transform the Oakland Museum and its unique California art, history, and natural science collections. | |||||
Project Open Hand | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Push 2 Excel, Inc. | Grant Amount$2,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Rebuilding Together San Francisco | Grant Amount$2,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Saint Anthony Foundation | Grant Amount$2,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
The Dining Room Program. | |||||
San Francisco Ballet | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
San Francisco Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
San Francisco Food Bank | Grant Amount$7,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
San Francisco Opera | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
San Francisco Parks Alliance | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
To enhance and protect San Francisco's parks, open spaces, and recreational activities. | |||||
San Francisco Symphony | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
San Francisco Symphony | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Adventures in Music program. | |||||
San Francisco Symphony | Grant Amount$2,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Stern Grove Festival Association | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
- Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
- Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
- Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.