Grants Database
Showing 549 -573 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
Organization Sort | Grant Amount Sort | Program Area SortFilter | Type of Support SortFilter | Location Sort | Year SortFilter |
Center for Reproductive Rights | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2012 |
Roe Restoration Project, to protect access to abortion services by litigating against the most harmful anti-choice laws and building public support for stronger state and federal protections against restrictive laws. | |||||
Center for Reproductive Rights | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2022 |
Litigation to Support and Protect Abortion Providers and Patients, to ensure access to abortion care by litigating cases in the US that challenge barriers to abortion provider training and restrictions on the types of physicians who can provide abortion care. More information: http:// |
Center for Reproductive Rights | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2023 |
Litigation to Support and Protect Abortion Providers and Patients, to ensure access to abortion care by litigating cases in the US that challenge barriers to abortion provider training and restrictions on the types of physicians who can provide abortion care. More information: |
Center for Reproductive Rights | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2019 |
Litigation to Support and Protect Abortion Providers and Patients, to ensure access to abortion services by litigating cases in the US that challenge barriers to abortion provider training and restrictions on the types of physicians who can provide abortion care. More information: |
Center for Reproductive Rights | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2014 |
Roe Restoration Project, to protect access to abortion services by litigating against the most harmful anti-choice laws and building public support for stronger state and federal protections against restrictive laws. | |||||
Center for Reproductive Rights | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2017 |
Litigation to Support and Protect Abortion Providers and Patients, to ensure access to abortion services by litigating cases in the US that challenge barriers to abortion provider training and restrictions on the types of physicians who can provide abortion care. More information: |
Center for Reproductive Rights | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2018 |
Litigation to Support and Protect Abortion Providers and Patients, to ensure access to abortion services by litigating cases in the US that challenge barriers to abortion provider training and restrictions on the types of physicians who can provide abortion care. More information: |
Central City Hospitality House | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2011 |
Central City Hospitality House | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2010 |
Central City Hospitality House | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2009 |
Central City Hospitality House | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2008 |
Challah For Hunger | Grant Amount$15,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationPhiladelphia, PA | Year2016 |
Northern California Regional Growth Plan, to engage college students in baking and selling challah and donating the proceeds to social justice causes. | |||||
Challah For Hunger | Grant Amount$25,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationPhiladelphia, PA | Year2019 |
Bay Area Programs that engage college students and families with young children in baking and selling challah and donating the proceeds to organizations that provide hunger relief. More information: |
Challah For Hunger | Grant Amount$13,650 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationPhiladelphia, PA | Year2014 |
Northern California Regional Growth Plan, to support organization that engages college students in baking and selling challah and donating the proceeds to social justice causes. More information: |
Challah for Hunger | Grant Amount$17,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationPhiladelphia, PA | Year2017 |
Northern California Regional Growth Plan, to engage college students in baking and selling challah and donating the proceeds to social justice causes. More information: |
Challah for Hunger | Grant Amount$25,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationPhiladelphia, PA | Year2020 |
Northern California Programs that engage college students and families with young children in baking and selling challah and donating the proceeds to organizations that provide hunger relief. More information: |
Challah for Hunger | Grant Amount$25,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWynnwood, PA | Year2021 |
Northern California Programs that engage college students and families with young children in baking and selling challah and donating the proceeds to alleviate food insecurity. More information: |
Challenge Success | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationStanford, CA | Year2012 |
To support the evaluation of programs designed to help schools, parents, and youth develop tools to decrease stress, broaden notions of success, and better prepare students for the 21st century. | |||||
CHC: Creating Healthier Communities | Grant Amount$5,000 | Program AreaHealth and Recreation | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationAlexandria, VA | Year2022 |
CHC: Creating Healthier Communities | Grant Amount$5,000 | Program AreaHealth and Recreation | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationAlexandria, VA | Year2021 |
Children’s Book Project | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2017 |
Children’s Book Project | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2016 |
Children’s Book Project | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2020 |
Children’s Book Project | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2022 |
Children’s Book Project | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2019 |
- Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
- Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
- Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.