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Campaign Legal Center Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Voting Rights Program, to ensure broad and equitable access to the right to vote through litigation, advocacy, and public education.
More information: http://www.campaignlegalcenter.org
Fair Elections Center Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Campus Vote Project, to help community colleges and public universities institutionalize reforms and processes to create a culture of civic engagement.
More information: http://www.fairelectionscenter.org
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Voting Rights and Election Protection, to challenge voter suppression legislation, protect and enable full access to voting, and advocate for systemic election reforms.
More information: http://www.lawyerscommittee.org
NextGen Education Fund Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2024
To encourage young people’s engagement in elections and democracy through their interests in the climate crisis, reproductive rights, and economic and racial justice.
More information: http://nextgenef.org
Register Her Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationLos Angeles, CA Year2024
To motivate women in under-resourced communities to vote utilizing a grassroots organizing model and partnerships with social service agencies and state-based organizations.
More information: http://registerher.org
Trusted Elections Fund Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Pooled Fund, to support organizations working to secure and safeguard US elections and hold accountable those who undermine the integrity of elections and democracy.
Voter Formation Project Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To increase participation in elections using year-round digital communications strategies to engage, register, and mobilize new and infrequent voters of color.
More information: http://www.voterformationproject.org
Voting Rights Lab Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
State Voting Rights Tracker, to provide up-to-date, accessible information and analysis about existing and pending voting legislation in all 50 states and Washington, DC.
More information: http://votingrightslab.org
Fund for a Safer Future Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationAlexandria, VA Year2024
To strengthen the gun violence prevention movement’s capacity to develop successful policies, mobilize supporters, assemble the best available research, and counter opposition to common sense gun reform.
March For Our Lives Foundation Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2024
Judicial Advocacy, to advance the legal argument that gun violence presents a unique vulnerability to children and their freedoms.
Project Unloaded Inc Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationChicago, IL Year2024
Capacity-building support for organizational development and to launch culture change campaigns to discourage gun ownership among young people.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To raise the organization’s national visibility and involve younger, more diverse audiences in the movement to protect church-state separation.
American Oversight Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To expose voter suppression activities by uncovering the corrupt intent behind changes to how elections are administered.
Civic Nation Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
When We All Vote, to increase participation in elections by changing the culture around voting through outreach campaigns that engage celebrities and athletes.
Guides.vote Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To counter electoral misinformation by creating and distributing nonpartisan printed and digital voter guides that are accurate, concise, and user-friendly.
MomsRising Education Fund Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationBellevue, WA Year2024
MomsVote, to support a comprehensive voter engagement program aimed at mothers.
Protect Democracy Project Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
VoteShield, to protect and validate the integrity of voter rolls and election systems.
The Hometown Outreach Fund Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationBrooklyn, NY Year2024
To engage and motivate voters through accurate, positive messaging delivered by familiar celebrities trageting their hometowns and home states.
Voto Latino Foundation Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To encourage young Latino voters to participate in elections through social media outreach and events.
Brady Center To Prevent Gun Violence Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Government Transparency Project, to uncover and release gun store inspection records to identify which stores are contributing to gun violence and hold government agencies accountable for failing to enforce gun laws.
More information: http://BradyUnited.org
Action for the Climate Emergency Grant Amount$125,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationBoulder, CO Year2024
Civic Engagement and Democracy Program, to increase youth civic engagement by inspiring a new generation of Americans to participate in democracy and voting.
More information: http://www.acespace.org
Constitutional Accountability Center Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Democracy and Voting Rights Project, to combat threats to voting by advancing an accurate historical interpretation of Constitutional voting rights that safeguards access to the ballot.
More information: http://theusconstitution.org/
National Vote At Home Institute Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Election Official Hub, to support an online platform that helps election officials make elections more accessible, equitable, safe, and transparent.
More information: http://www.voteathome.org
Students Learn Students Vote Coalition Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationNew York, NY Year2024
To bring first-time and new voters into the electoral process and ensure that college students throughout the country have easy and equal access to participate in every election.
More information: http://slsvcoalition.org
The American Independent Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To deliver news through locally-branded print newspapers with non-partisan, local, national, political, and non-political content.
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.