Grants Database
Showing 399 -423 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
Organization Sort | Grant Amount Sort | Program Area SortFilter | Type of Support SortFilter | Location Sort | Year SortFilter |
Institute For Local Self Reliance | Grant Amount$35,000 | Program AreaEnvironment | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2022 |
To develop resources for the community-based composting sector that diverts food and yard waste from landfills, creates healthy soil, and sequesters carbon. More information: http:// |
San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2022 |
Stanford Graduate School of Business | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationStanford, California | Year2022 |
San Francisco Parks Alliance | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEnvironment | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2022 |
Mayo Clinic | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaHealth and Recreation | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationRochester, MN | Year2022 |
Desert Orchard School | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationNew York, NY | Year2022 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America | Grant Amount$15,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationNew York, NY | Year2022 |
Meals on Wheels of San Francisco Inc | Grant Amount$3,000 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2022 |
Bay Area Democracy Funders – Democracy Funders Network | Grant Amount$2,000 | Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationBerkeley, CA | Year2022 |
Center for Disaster Philanthropy | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives | Type of SupportRelief Efforts | LocationWashington, DC | Year2022 |
Disaster Recovery Fund and Atlantic Hurricane Season Recovery Fund, to provide medium- to long-term support to communities impacted by catastrophic natural disasters. More information: |
Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center | Grant Amount$5,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportGeneral Support | LocationLa Jolla, CA | Year2022 |
General operating support for Nierman Preschool More information: |
Southern Poverty Law Center | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationMontgomery, AL | Year2022 |
Town School for Boys | Grant Amount$6,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2022 |
Save the Bay | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEnvironment | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationOakland, CA | Year2022 |
Pacific Club IMPACT Foundation | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaHealth and Recreation | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationNewport Beach, CA | Year2022 |
Israel Democracy Institute | Grant Amount$25,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationJerusalem, Israel, | Year2022 |
Planned Parenthood Northern California | Grant Amount$16,000 | Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationConcord, CA | Year2022 |
My New Red Shoes | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationRedwood City, CA | Year2022 |
Environmental Grantmakers Association | Grant Amount$6,000 | Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationNew York, NY | Year2022 |
Citizens For Responsibility And Ethics In Washington | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2022 |
Ethics Reform to Protect Democracy, to hold abusers of democracy accountable and address the weaknesses in government ethics controls and checks and balances. More information: |
Maccabi Sports Camp | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaJewish Community | Type of SupportGeneral Support | LocationPalo Alto, CA | Year2022 |
Capacity-building support for overnight Jewish summer camp in the San Francisco Bay Area that offers Jewish-related programming and immerses youth in competitive sports. More information: |
Bing Nursery School | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationRedwood City, CA | Year2022 |
University of Southern California | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaEducation and Literacy | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2022 |
Ten Strands | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaEnvironment | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Rafael, CA | Year2022 |
Push 2 Excel, Inc. | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaHealth and Recreation | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2022 |
- Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
- Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
- Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.