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Showing 1 -25 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2008
Rapid Relief Fund, to support relief efforts for victims of the cyclone in Burma (Myanmar).
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2010
To provide emergency support to the victims of the Pakistan floods through regional organizations that are responding to the crisis.
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2010
To provide emergency support to the victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti and enable communities in Haiti to respond, recover, and rebuild in the wake of the disaster.
New Israel Fund Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2010
Carmel Forest Fire Response Fund, to provide short- and long-term support to victims of the Carmel fire in Israel.
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2011
To provide emergency support to the victims of the drought and famine in East Africa.
Give2Asia Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2011
To support Civic Force's relief efforts for victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami.
International Medical Corps Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSanta Monica, CA Year2011
To support emergency relief efforts to help earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan.
Community Foundation of New Jersey Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationMorristown, NJ Year2012
Hurricane Sandy Recovery and Rebuild Fund.
New York Community Trust Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2012
Critical Needs - Hurricane Sandy Fund.
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2013
To support Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) disaster recovery and relief-efforts in the Philippines.
More information: http://ajws.org/
Give2Asia Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2013
To support Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) disaster recovery and relief-efforts in the Philippines.
More information: http://give2asia.org/
Mile High United Way Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationDenver, CO Year2013
To support flood recovery efforts in Colorado.
More information: http://www.unitedwaydenver.org/site/c.6oJHLSPtFgJWG/b.7717103/k.BC0C/Mile_High_United_Way__Denver_Colorado_Nonprofit_Organization.htm
American Friends of Magen David Adom Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationLos Angeles, CA Year2014
Emergency Campaign, to provide medical supplies and repair and replace ambulances.
Friends of The Israel Defense Forces Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2014
Rapid Response Fund, to provide needed supplies to soldiers.
More information: http://www.fidf.org/
Jewish Community Federation Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2014
Stop the Sirens Campaign, to provide humanitarian aid to Israelis living in harm’s way.
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2014
To support emergency response efforts to stop the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa.
More information: http://ajws.org/
DripDrop Foundation Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2014
To support the distribution of the DripDrop oral rehydration solution to Ebola victims in West Africa and other affected areas.
United States Fund for UNICEF Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2015
To provide relief efforts in response to the earthquake in Nepal.
More information: http://www.unicefusa.org/mission/emergencies/earthquakes
Community Foundation of Greater Flint Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationFlint, MI Year2016
Flint Child Health and Development Fund, to assist with the intermediate and long-term needs of children exposed to lead due to the Flint, MI, water crisis, including: medical care, behavioral health services, nutrition education and access to healthy food, integrated social services, and early childhood education.
More information: https://www.cfgf.org/cfgf/GoodWork/FlintArea/WaterCrisis/tabid/855/Default.aspx
Foundation for Louisiana Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationBaton Rouge, LA Year2016
To provide immediate disaster relief and long-term recovery support for areas of Southern Louisiana impacted by severe floods in August 2016.
More information: http://www.foundationforlouisiana.org/
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$15,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2016
To assist with Hurricane Matthew relief efforts.
More information: http://www.ajws.org
Community Foundation of Greater Flint Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationFlint, MI Year2016
Flint Child Health and Development Fund, to assist with the intermediate and long-term needs of children exposed to lead due to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
More information: https://www.cfgf.org/cfgf/
United States Fund for UNICEF Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2016
To assist with Hurricane Matthew relief efforts.
More information: www.unicefusa.org
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2017
Mexico Earthquake Recovery Efforts.
More information: https://ajws.org/
Center for Disaster Philanthropy Grant Amount$150,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationWashington, DC Year2017
2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season Recovery Fund.
More information: www.disasterphilanthropy.org
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.