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Showing 274 -298 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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Stand Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2024
Amazon Campaign, to pressure financial institutions to stop funding the trade of oil from the Amazon and advance Amazon conservation goals.
More information: www.stand.earth
Planned Parenthood Federation of America Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2019
Affiliate Security, to provide training, technical support, and financial assistance to help Planned Parenthood clinics protect their patients, staff, and facilities from anti-abortion violence and harassment.
More information: http://www.plannedparenthood.org
Center for Reproductive Rights Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2019
Litigation to Support and Protect Abortion Providers and Patients, to ensure access to abortion services by litigating cases in the US that challenge barriers to abortion provider training and restrictions on the types of physicians who can provide abortion care.
More information: http://www.reproductiverights.org
Southern Poverty Law Center Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationMontgomery, AL Year2021
To track the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists, publish investigative reports, and offer expert analysis to the media and public.
More information: http://www.splcenter.org
National Vote At Home Institute Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2022
Election Official Hub, to implement an online platform that supports election officials in making elections more accessible, equitable, safe, and transparent.
More information: http://www.voteathome.org
Essential Access Health Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationLos Angeles, CA Year2023
Expanding Access at Federally Qualified Health Centers in California, to provide training and technical assistance to health centers to expand the provision of abortion care in the state.
More information: http://www.essentialaccess.org
Just The Pill Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationSaint Paul, MN Year2023
Capacity expansion support to organization that deploys mobile clinics that travel to state borders to offer abortion care.
More information: http://www.justthepill.com
Citizens For Responsibility And Ethics In Washington Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2023
To document and expose attacks on democracy and conduct research, legal actions, and communications to ensure accountability for individuals who abuse the political system.
More information: http://citizensforethics.org
American Jewish World Service Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationNew York, NY Year2013
To support Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) disaster recovery and relief-efforts in the Philippines.
More information: http://ajws.org/
Stern Grove Festival Association Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2017
Rainforest Connection Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2018
To install a low-cost, real-time monitoring platform that uses mobile technology placed in rainforests to detect the sounds of deforestation.
More information: http://www.rfcx.org
CivXNow Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationCambridge, MA Year2023
CivXNow, to support the work of this national, bipartisan coalition to advance K-12 civic education in all states.
More information: https://civxnow.org/
Head Count Inc Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationNew York, NY Year2023
To advance participation in democracy by reaching young people at events and through digital outreach to encourage them to register and turn out to vote.
More information: http://www.headcount.org
Maui Wildfires Relief and Recovery Grant Amount$100,000 Program Area Type of Support Location Year2023
Reproductive Freedom Alliance Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To build the capacity of a nonpartisan multi-state coalition of 23 governors who are committed to protecting and expanding access to abortion.
Nonprofit Vote, Inc Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationCambridge, MA Year2021
To partner with organizations to promote voter engagement programs that predominately reach low-income women, people of color, and young voters served by nonprofits.
More information: http://www.nonprofitvote.org
Stanford University Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationPalo Alto, CA Year2021
Stanford Women's Cancer Center
More information: https://stanfordhealthcare.org
I Need an A Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2022
Capacity-building support to organization that provides up-to-date online information on state laws regarding abortion, clinics and providers, financial and practical assistance, and travel and lodging information.
More information: https://www.ineedana.com/
Democracy Works Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationBrooklyn, NY Year2022
To build trust in the democratic process, encourage voting, and equip election officials with information and tools to effectively administer elections.
More information: http://democrcy.works
Center for Reproductive Rights Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2012
Roe Restoration Project, to protect access to abortion services by litigating against the most harmful anti-choice laws and building public support for stronger state and federal protections against restrictive laws.
MomsRising Education Fund Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationBellevue, WA Year2024
MomsVote, to support a comprehensive voter engagement program aimed at mothers.
San Francisco Symphony Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2014
Planned Parenthood Federation of America Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2015
Fight Back Campaign, to combat the recent vociferous efforts to discredit and defund the organization, which would undermine women’s reproductive health.
More information: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/
Youth on Course Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportProject Support LocationPebble Beach, CA Year2018
Capacity Building, to support the organization's continued growth and increase opportunities for under-served youth to build life skills through golf.
Stern Grove Festival Association Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2018
Support for the 2019 season.
More information: http://www.sterngrove.org
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.