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Grants Database

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Showing 274 -298 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
Martin de Porres House of Hospitality Grant Amount$2,500 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
In memory of Barbara Collier.
Meals on Wheels of San Francisco, Inc. Grant Amount$2,500 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
My New Red Shoes Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportProject Support LocationBurlingame, CA Year2009
To support the 'Clothing for Confidence' program.
My New Red Shoes Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportProject Support LocationBurlingame, CA Year2009
Clothing for Confidence program expansion, to increase the number of homeless and low-income children in San Francisco receiving new back-to-school shoes and clothes.
Oakland Museum/Museum of California Foundation Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationOakland, CA Year2009
Project Open Hand Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
Push 2 Excel, Inc. Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
Rebuilding Together San Francisco Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
Saint Anthony Foundation Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
The Dining Room Program.
San Francisco Ballet Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
San Francisco Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
San Francisco Food Bank Grant Amount$7,500 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Grant Amount$2,500 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
San Francisco Opera Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
San Francisco Symphony Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
Stern Grove Festival Association Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
Stern Grove Festival Association Grant Amount$20,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
To support the 2009 series of free summer concerts at Stern Grove.
Taproot Foundation Grant Amount$20,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
To provide Service Grants to three non-profit organizations.
The Museum of Modern Art Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationNew York, NY Year2009
United Way of the Bay Area Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco Grant Amount$2,500 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2010
Bay Area Discovery Museum Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSausalito, CA Year2010
Central City Hospitality House Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2010
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Grant Amount$2,500 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2010
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.