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Showing 124 -148 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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Brennan Center For Justice Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2024
Voting Rights and Elections Program, to address current threats to voting and strengthen US democracy through legal advice, research, and communications.
More information: http://www.brennancenter.org
JCRC Bay Area Grant Amount$250,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2024
JCRC Bay Area works to combat antisemitism and anti-Israelism, builds relationships with allied communities, and provides opportunities for Bay Area Jews to contribute to civic life. With Goldman Fund support, JCRC Bay Area will respond to the dual crises of rising antisemitism and anti-Israel activity in the region.
More information: http://www.jcrc.org
Campaign Legal Center Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Voting Rights Program, to ensure broad and equitable access to the right to vote through litigation, advocacy, and public education.
More information: http://www.campaignlegalcenter.org
Shalom Hartman Institute of North America Grant Amount$65,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2024
Courageous Leadership in the Bay Area, to respond to the polarized views within the Jewish community about Israel and the external challenges of responding to antisemitism and anti-Israelism.
More information: http://www.shalomhartman.org
Fair Elections Center Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Campus Vote Project, to help community colleges and public universities institutionalize reforms and processes to create a culture of civic engagement.
More information: http://www.fairelectionscenter.org
Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationLa Jolla, CA Year2024
PJ Library, to distribute Jewish children’s books to families to foster and strengthen their connection to Jewish life and traditions.
More information: https://www.lfjcc.org/
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Voting Rights and Election Protection, to challenge voter suppression legislation, protect and enable full access to voting, and advocate for systemic election reforms.
More information: http://www.lawyerscommittee.org
The Brigid Alliance Grant Amount$175,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationNew York, NY Year2024
Support to organization that provides practical support to women throughout the country who need help with abortion-related logistics and expenses.
More information: https://brigidalliance.org/
NextGen Education Fund Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2024
To encourage young people’s engagement in elections and democracy through their interests in the climate crisis, reproductive rights, and economic and racial justice.
More information: http://nextgenef.org
Guttmacher Institute Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2024
To protect and expand access to medication abortion through research, advocacy, technical assistance, and state and federal policy efforts.
More information: http://https://www.guttmacher.org/
Register Her Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationLos Angeles, CA Year2024
To motivate women in under-resourced communities to vote utilizing a grassroots organizing model and partnerships with social service agencies and state-based organizations.
More information: http://registerher.org
Midwest Access Project Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationChicago, IL Year2024
To offer comprehensive clinical training in reproductive healthcare ? including abortion? to medical students, residents, 2and physicians.
More information: https://www.midwestaccesscoalition.org/
Trusted Elections Fund Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
Pooled Fund, to support organizations working to secure and safeguard US elections and hold accountable those who undermine the integrity of elections and democracy.
Training in Early Abortion for Comprehensive Healthcare Grant Amount$70,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationRichmond, CA Year2024
To increase abortion access in underserved communities by offering reproductive health training at medical residency programs.
More information: http://www.teachtraining.org
Voter Formation Project Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To increase participation in elections using year-round digital communications strategies to engage, register, and mobilize new and infrequent voters of color.
More information: http://www.voterformationproject.org
iCivics Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationCambridge, MA Year2024
Comprehensive Professional Learning program, to provide robust, high-quality professional learning opportunities for K-12 civics teachers.
More information: http://www.icivics.org
Generation Citizen Inc. Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2024
To further comprehensive civic education policy and promote equitable access to civic education.
More information: http://generationcitizen.org
Maui Wildfires Relief and Recovery Grant Amount$100,000 Program Area Type of Support Location Year2023
Emergency Relief in Israel and Combatting Antisemitism in the US Grant Amount$865,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportRelief Efforts Location Year2023
Dogwood Alliance Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationAsheville, NC Year2023
Our Forests Aren’t Fuel, to stop the use of trees as an industrial fuel source through advocacy, communications, and coalition building.
More information: http://www.dogwoodalliance.org
Giants Community Fund Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2023
Junior Giants Program
More information: https://www.mlb.com/giants/community/fund
Academic Engagement Network Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2023
To mobilize faculty, administrators, and staff on northern California college campuses to advance education about Israel, oppose the denigration of Jewish and pro-Israel identities, and promote academic freedom.
More information: http://www.academicengagement.org
Glide Foundation Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2023
A Rabbi at Glide, to connect the Jewish community with local civic engagement efforts and to build stronger relationships between the Glide and Jewish communities.
More information: http://glide.org
Maccabee Task Force Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationLas Vegas, NV Year2023
To engage social media influencers to dispel misinformation about Israel and to counter antisemitism.
More information: https://www.maccabeetaskforce.org/
URGE: Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2023
Integrated Voter Engagement Campaign, to increase participation in elections by young voters through their interest in reproductive rights.
More information: http://www.choiceusa.org
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.