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Showing 224 -248 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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University of California, Berkeley Grant Amount$1,000,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Cal Legends: Football Strategic Opportunity and Excellence Fund ($1,000,000 over four years, 2014-2017).
University of California, Berkeley Grant Amount$5,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley Grant Amount$5,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Story of Stuff Project Grant Amount$35,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Community Engagement Initiative, to provide training and tools to increase and deepen individual's civic participation.
More information: http://www.storyofstuff.org/
Urban Adamah Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportCapital Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Campaign to Build a Permanent Home, capital grant to help Jewish environmental education organization purchase land.
More information: http://urbanadamah.org/
The Sustainability Funders Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Affinity Group.
Berkeley Hillel Grant Amount$12,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Urban Adamah Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Goldman School of Public Policy Grant Amount$30,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Haas School of Business Grant Amount$30,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Haas School of Business Grant Amount$5,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Fischer Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics.
University of California, Berkeley – Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life Grant Amount$2,500 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Friends of the Bancroft Library Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Cal Athletic Backers Grant Amount$7,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Cal Athletic Backers.
University of California, Berkeley – Cal Athletics Grant Amount$20,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Cal Golf Scholarship and Program Support Fund.
University of California, Berkeley – Cal Alumni Association Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Lisa and Douglas Goldman Alumni Scholarship Endowment.
University of California, Berkeley – College of Letters & Sciences Grant Amount$15,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
College of Letters and Sciences Leadership Fund.
University of California, Berkeley – Haas School of Business Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Haas School of Business Grant Amount$5,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Cal Alumni Association Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
University of California, Berkeley – Fiat Lux Program Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
Incentive Awards Program.
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization – Central Region West Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2013
StandUp: Campaign for Those in Need, an initiative to engage Bay Area Jewish teens with service organizations in their communities.
University of California, Berkeley Grant Amount$8,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2014
Football Strategic Opportunities and Excellence Fund.
University of California, Berkeley Grant Amount$6,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2014
Wilderness Torah Grant Amount$40,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2014
Marketing and communications capacity-building support of this Jewish environmental education organization.
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.