Grants Database
Showing 149 -173 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
Organization Sort | Grant Amount Sort | Program Area SortFilter | Type of Support SortFilter | Location Sort | Year SortFilter |
League of Women Voters of San Francisco Education Fund | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2016 |
San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2016 |
ACLU Foundation of Northern California | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2016 |
Americans United for Separation of Church and State | Grant Amount$5,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationWashington, DC | Year2016 |
Southern Poverty Law Center | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationMontgomery, AL | Year2016 |
Civic Nation | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2016 |
All In Campus Democracy Challenge, a national, nonpartisan initiative to increase student voter turnout and democratic engagement by providing college campuses with resources and support to develop civic engagement plans. More information: / |
Every Voice Center | Grant Amount$35,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2016 |
To promote public financing systems for elections by highlighting recent policy victories and candidates who won with small donations and public funds. More information: |
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2016 |
To reduce the influence of money in politics by defending campaign finance laws that are under attack in the courts and developing legal strategies to counter the power of special interests in the US political system. More information: |
Media Matters for America | Grant Amount$75,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
To develop and implement a media tracking system that efficiently tracks sources of fake news and misinformation in the media and predicts their lifecycles to respond strategically and effectively. More information: |
MomsRising Education Fund | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationBellevue, WA | Year2017 |
To increase outreach to women and mothers about gun safety issues and educate elected officials, the media, and the public about gun safety policies. More information: |
Democracy Initiative Education Fund | Grant Amount$85,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
To provide communications tools for a coalition of civil rights, environmental, good government, and labor organizations working to improve and protect democracy in the US. More information: |
Demos | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationNew York, NY | Year2017 |
Addressing the Role of Money in Politics, to expose the problems associated with money in politics and its connection to the economy and to build support for solutions. More information: |
MapLight | Grant Amount$35,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationBerkeley, CA | Year2017 |
Secret Money Watch, to support a website that identifies sources of secret money in politics and to develop in-depth media coverage of the topic. More information: |
Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus | Grant Amount$25,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationCroton Falls, NY | Year2017 |
To provide education, organize students and faculty, and create resources for campus-based and gun violence prevention groups to defeat policies that force colleges and universities to allow guns on campus. More information: |
Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence | Grant Amount$60,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
Monitor the implementation of California’s gun violence restraining order and compile findings for dissemination to other states. More information: |
Generation Progress | Grant Amount$45,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
Fight4AFuture Network, to engage millennials in gun violence prevention by identifying and mentoring young leaders, providing policy expertise, and supporting advocacy efforts across the country. More information: |
PICO National Network | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
Together We Vote, to educate communities of color, low-income workers, women, and young people about election issues and increase voter turnout. More information: |
Southern Poverty Law Center | Grant Amount$100,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationMontgomery, AL | Year2017 |
To track the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists, publish investigative reports, train law enforcement officers and share key intelligence, and offer expert analysis to the media and public. More information: |
League of Women Voters of San Francisco Education Fund | Grant Amount$1,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2017 |
ACLU Foundation of Northern California | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2017 |
San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association | Grant Amount$2,500 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationSan Francisco, CA | Year2017 |
Americans United for Separation of Church and State | Grant Amount$5,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
Southern Poverty Law Center | Grant Amount$10,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportAnnual Grant | LocationMontgomery, AL | Year2017 |
Alliance for Youth Organizing | Grant Amount$50,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
To promote policy changes that make voting easier and more appealing to young people and expand programs to increase youth voter turnout nationally. More information: |
Violence Policy Center | Grant Amount$35,000 | Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties | Type of SupportProject Support | LocationWashington, DC | Year2017 |
To educate the public about the lack of consumer product health and safety regulation of the gun industry, expose the industry’s aggressive marketing tactics, and further engage the public in efforts to reduce gun violence. More information: |
- Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
- Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
- Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.