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Showing 149 -173 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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Voto Latino Grant Amount$70,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2020
To encourage young Latino voters to participate in elections through social media outreach and events.
More information: http://votolatino.org/
Voto Latino Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2018
To encourage young Latino voters in seven states to participate in elections through social media outreach and events.
More information: http://votolatino.org/
Voto Latino Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2020
To encourage young Latino voters to participate in elections through social media outreach and events.
More information: http://votolatino.org/
Voto Latino Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2019
To encourage young Latino voters to participate in elections through social media outreach and events.
More information: http://votolatino.org/
Voting Rights Lab Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
State Voting Rights Tracker, to provide up-to-date, accessible information and analysis about existing and pending voting legislation in all 50 states and Washington, DC.
More information: http://votingrightslab.org
Voting Rights Lab Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2022
State Voting Rights Tracker, to provide up-to-date, accessible information and analysis about existing and pending voting legislation in all 50 state and Washington, DC.
More information: http://votingrightslab.org
Voting Initiative Grant Amount$8,670,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support Location Year2020
Voter Formation Project Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2024
To increase participation in elections using year-round digital communications strategies to engage, register, and mobilize new and infrequent voters of color.
More information: http://www.voterformationproject.org
Voter Engagement Initiative Grant Amount$925,000 Program Area Type of SupportProject Support Location Year2024
The Goldman Fund’s Voter Engagement Initiative awarded $925,000 in grants to organizations focused on voter education, registration, and get-out-the-vote activities.
Volunteers in Medicine – San Francisco Grant Amount$20,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2014
Support for Clinic by the Bay, a clinic which utilizes the use of retired and other volunteer professionals to provide no-cost quality primary healthcare services to uninsured individuals in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties.
Volunteers in Medicine – San Francisco Grant Amount$12,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2012
To support Clinic by the Bay, a clinic serving the primary medical needs of the uninsured in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties through free services provided by volunteer medical providers..
Volunteers in Medicine – San Francisco Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2009
To provide start-up funding for Clinic by the Bay, a new clinic that will serve the primary medical needs of the uninsured in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties through free services provided by volunteer medical providers.
Volunteers in Medicine – San Francisco Grant Amount$10,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2011
To support Clinic by the Bay, a new clinic serving the primary medical needs of the uninsured in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties through free services provided by volunteer medical providers.
Volunteer Legal Services Program Grant Amount$20,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2012
School-to-College Building Bridges Program, to provide expanded and enhanced resources to help underserved students prepare for college.
Violence Policy Center Grant Amount$35,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2020
To educate the public about the lack of consumer product health and safety regulation of the gun industry, expose the industry’s aggressive marketing tactics, and engage the public in efforts to reduce gun violence.
More information: http://www.vpc.org
Violence Policy Center Grant Amount$35,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2017
To educate the public about the lack of consumer product health and safety regulation of the gun industry, expose the industry’s aggressive marketing tactics, and further engage the public in efforts to reduce gun violence.
More information: http://www.vpc.org
Violence Policy Center Grant Amount$35,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2015
To educate the public about the lack of consumer product health and safety regulation of the gun industry, expose the industry’s aggressive marketing tactics, and further engage the public in efforts to reduce gun violence.
More information: https://www.vpc.org/
Violence Policy Center Grant Amount$40,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2022
Campaign for Gun Industry Accountability, to educate the public and policymakers about the lack of health and safety regulation of the gun industry and expose the industry’s aggressive marketing tactics.
More information: http://www.vpc.org
Violence Policy Center Grant Amount$35,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2016
To educate the public about the lack of consumer product health and safety regulation of the gun industry, expose the industry’s aggressive marketing tactics, and further engage the public in efforts to reduce gun violence. 
More information: http://www.vpc.org
Violence Policy Center Grant Amount$35,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2019
To educate the public about the lack of consumer product health and safety regulation of the gun industry, expose the industry’s aggressive marketing tactics, and further engage the public in efforts to reduce gun violence. 
More information: http://www.vpc.org
USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education Grant Amount$150,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationLos Angeles, CA Year2013
IWitness, an interactive website that educates students about genocide ($150,000 over two years, 2013-2014).
More information: http://iwitness.usc.edu/SFI/
URGE: Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity Grant Amount$100,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2023
Integrated Voter Engagement Campaign, to increase participation in elections by young voters through their interest in reproductive rights.
More information: http://www.choiceusa.org
Urban Sustainability Directors Network Grant Amount$35,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationChicago, IL Year2016
To develop, launch, and evaluate two city pilot initiatives to test strategies that address the economic, social, and cultural factors of sustainable consumption.
More information: http://www.usdn.org
Urban Solutions Grant Amount$15,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2011
Green Business Initiative, to help small San Francisco businesses increase their sustainable practices.
Urban Solutions Grant Amount$15,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2008
Green Business Initiative, to help small San Francisco businesses increase their sustainable practices.
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.