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Showing 424 -448 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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Camp Tawonga Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2014
Noar l'Noar (youth to youth), to bring Israeli teens and young adults to Jewish summer camp.
Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2019
Giffords Courage Fellows, to support a year-long fellowship program for students ages 16 to 20 to gain the skills to reduce gun violence in communities across the country.
More information: lawcenter.giffords.org/
National Vote At Home Institute Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2023
Election Official Hub, to develop an online platform that supports election officials in making elections more accessible, equitable, safe, and transparent.
More information: http://www.voteathome.org
Fair Elections Center Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2020
Campus Vote Project, to help community colleges and public universities institutionalize reforms and processes to create a culture of civic engagement that empowers students to register and vote.
More information: http://www.fairelectionscenter.org
Project Unloaded Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationWashington, DC Year2023
Capacity-building support for organizational development and to launch culture change campaigns to discourage gun ownership among young people.
More information: https://newventurefund.org/
Urban Adamah Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2023
Youth and Family Programs, to expand interactive nature-based activities and offerings that nurture a connection to Judaism and environmental stewardship.
More information: http://https://www.urbanadamah.org
Carbon Cycle Institute Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationPetaluma, CA Year2024
Bay Area Climate-Beneficial Agriculture, to expand agricultural climate solutions by building awareness, knowledge, and capacity within Bay Area local and county governments.
More information: www.carboncycle.org
Education Training And Research Associates Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaHealth and Recreation Type of SupportProject Support LocationScotts Valley, CA Year2013
California WISE Initiative, to help support Bay Area schools and districts in the effective and sustainable implementation of comprehensive sex education.
More information: http://www.etr.org/home
Urban Adamah Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportCapital Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2015
Phase II of the Campaign to Build a Permanent Home, capital grant to help Jewish environmental education organization build on its new site.
Planned Parenthood Northern California Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationConcord, CA Year2016
To provide support for the San Francisco Clinic.
More information: http://www.ppnorcal.org
ACLU Foundation of Northern California Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2018
Increasing Access to Abortion in California, to inform consumers, medical provider, and stakeholders that access to comprehensive healthcare is being eroded by the influx of religiously-based hospitals.
More information: https://www.aclunc.org/
HealthRight 360 Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2019
To ensure access to medication abortion services for low-income women at Women’s Community Clinic.
More information: https://www.healthright360.org/agency/womens-community-clinic
Piper Fund Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationAmherst, MA Year2020
Judicial Independence Project, to protect state courts by supporting advocacy to defend the judiciary and promote judicial reforms, education and outreach, and capacity building of state-based organizations.
More information: http://www.proteusfund.org/
Opportunity Fund Community Development Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaSpecial Projects and Initiatives Type of SupportRelief Efforts LocationSan Jose, CA Year2020
Pandemic Emergency Fund: Small Business Relief Fund
More information: www.opportunityfund.org
Piper Fund Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2022
Judicial Independence Project, to protect state courts from the influence of special interests and promote judicial reforms through support of state-based judicial independence organizations.
More information: http://www.proteusfund.org
Farmlink Project Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationManhattan, NY Year2024
Produce Procurement Project, to address the climate impacts of food waste by increasing the amount of excess produce recovered from farms and delivered to food banks.
Faith in Action Network Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2020
To educate communities of color, low-income workers, women, and young people about election issues and increase voter turnout. 
More information: http://https://faithinaction.org/
Healthy Building Network Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2021
Product Screening at Scale Initiative, to create chemical hazard information for new product categories and integrate them into their existing suite of resources and tools.
More information: http://healthybuilding.net, pharosproject.net, commons.healthymaterials.net
Fair Elections Center Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2022
Campus Vote Project, to help community colleges and public universities institutionalize reforms and processes to create a culture of civic engagement.
More information: http://www.fairelectionscenter.org
Planned Parenthood Northern California Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationConcord, CA Year2018
To provide support for the San Francisco Clinic.
More information: http://www.ppnorcal.org
ACLU Foundation of Northern California Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaReproductive Health and Rights Type of SupportProject Support LocationSan Francisco, CA Year2020
Protecting Access to Abortion Care in California, to inform consumers, medical providers, and stakeholders that access to comprehensive healthcare is being eroded by the influx of religiously-based hospitals.
More information: http://aclunc.org
Carbon Cycle Institute Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportGeneral Support LocationPetaluma, CA Year2023
Bay Area Climate-Beneficial Agriculture, to expand agricultural climate solutions by building awareness, knowledge, and capacity within Bay Area local and county governments.
More information: http://www.carboncycle.org
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationNew York, NY Year2013
Entwine, to offer service learning trips and programs for young adults in San Francisco
More information: http://www.jdc.org/
Urban Adamah Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaJewish Community Type of SupportProject Support LocationBerkeley, CA Year2018
To enable the organization to expand programmatic offerings at their new site in Berkeley, California.
More information: http://urbanadamah.org/
Common Cause Education Fund Grant Amount$75,000 Program AreaDemocracy and Civil Liberties Type of SupportProject Support LocationWashington, DC Year2020
Voting and Elections Project, to protect voting access, help voters with problems, and work with election administrators to ensure voting systems are safe, reliable, and secure.
More information: http://www.commoncause.org/education-fund/
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.