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Showing 99 -123 of 3812 grants equaling $186,596,840.00
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Geos Institute Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationAshland, OR Year2018
To defend against damaging forest management plans in Northern California proposed by the federal administration and advocate for policies that protect the long-term sustainability of the region as a climate sanctuary.
More information: https://www.geosinstitute.org/
Geos Institute Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationAshland, OR Year2019
To defend against damaging forest management plans in Northern California proposed by the federal administration and advocate for policies that protect the long-term sustainability of the region as a climate sanctuary. 
More information: http://www.geosinstitute.org
Environmental Paper Network Grant Amount$30,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationAshville, NC Year2013
Forest Carbon Counts Initiative, to support the development of a complete and accurate carbon accounting methodology for harvested wood and to promote the climate benefits of paper recovery and environmental paper manufacturing and use.
Product Policy Institute Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationAthens, GA Year2012
To lay the foundation for the adoption of Extended Producer Responsibility policies that transfer responsibility for collecting and recycling packaging waste to product manufacturers.
Upstream Policy Institute Inc Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationAthens, GA Year2014
To advocate for the adoption of extended producer responsibility policies that transfer responsibility for collecting and recycling packaging waste to product manufacturers.
Upstream Policy Institute Grant Amount$50,000 Program AreaEnvironment Type of SupportProject Support LocationAthens, GA Year2015
To advocate for the adoption of extended producer responsibility policies that transfer responsibility for collecting and recycling packaging waste to product manufacturers.
Menlo School Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2008
2008-2009 Annual Fund.
Menlo School Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2009
2009-2010 Annual Fund.
Menlo School Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2010
Menlo School Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2011
Menlo School Grant Amount$1,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2012
Menlo School Grant Amount$5,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2012
Menlo School Grant Amount$5,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportEndowment Support LocationAtherton, CA Year2013
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2013
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2014
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2015
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2016
Atherton Now Grant Amount$25,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportCapital Support LocationAtherton, CA Year2016
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2017
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2018
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2019
Town of Atherton Grant Amount$225,000 Program AreaSF Bay Area Institutions and Projects Type of SupportCapital Support LocationAtherton, CA Year2020
Atherton Town Center Project
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2020
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2021
Menlo School Grant Amount$2,000 Program AreaEducation and Literacy Type of SupportAnnual Grant LocationAtherton, CA Year2022
  • Annual Grants for general operating support are awarded and paid to those organizations representing special interests. The Fund does not accept applications for Annual Grants.
  • Special Projects and SF Bay Area Institutions and Projects are by invitation only.
  • Not all grants are listed on the website and some recent grants may not be included as the database is updated quarterly.